GM - Universal Sync command line syntax

The command line to call the application has the following syntax:

GMUniversalSync [/DataDir="C:\My data\GM-Sync"] [Profil-Id] .. [Profil-Id]

If the application is called without any parameters the normal main window is shown and nothing will be executed automatically.


This parameter tells the GM - Universal Sync application where the synchronisation profiles and the synchronisation memory are stored. If any of them is not found in the folder specified it will be created there when needed. If the folder itself does not exist it will be created when the application starts.

ATTENTION: The application will need read and write access to the files of the specified folder, otherwise an error will occur. In addition, if the folder doesn't exist the application will need the rights to create it.

If no "DataDir" is specified (the normal case) the application will use the subfolder "GM - Universal Sync" in the windows standard folder for application data of the logged on user.

If the folder path contains spaces it must be quoted, otherwise this in not necessary.

The folder path may contain environment variables (%AppData%, %LocalAppData%, %Temp%, %HomeDrive%, etc.):

GMUniversalSync /DataDir="%HomeDrive%\GM-Sync data"
GMUniversalSync /DataDir="%LocalAppData%\GM-Sync data"

If the folder path starts with a dot or is a relative path then the folder where the running instance of the application is located will be used as root.

GMUniversalSync /DataDir="."
GMUniversalSync /DataDir=".\GM-Sync data"
GMUniversalSync /DataDir="data\GM-Sync data"

If the folder path starts with two dots then the parent folder of the folder where the running instance of the application is located will be used as root.

GMUniversalSync /DataDir=".."
GMUniversalSync /DataDir="..\GM-Sync data"
GMUniversalSync /DataDir="..\..\GM-Sync data"


The Id of a synchronisation profile to be executed. The command line may contain more than one Id separated by spaces. To display the IDs of the synchronisation profiles in the application set the option Show profile Id on the settings dialog User interface page. The IDs themself do not contain spaces and case doesn't matter. The IDs may be quoted but since they don't contain any spaces this is not necessary.

When started with profile ID(s) on the command line the normal main window ist not shown instead a progress dialog will be shown and the synchronisation of the specified profile(s) is started immediately. The progress dialog will be used for all synchronisation profiles specified on the command line and not be closed in between.

The application may be started multiple times at once with different Profile IDs.


GMUniversalSync E842E88B-A45B-448D-9547-A511639F8FE0 D61EAC57-712F-452D-89F9-133BD2C49F7F
GMUniversalSync "509242F7-EB9F-453E-A458-3653B990DEAC" "748FA2CA-A7D5-4672-943E-14A9B284D4F1"

Will start the execution of two synchronisation profiles.